Mar 29, 2009

Hilton El Conquistador Resort 2009

Some photos of the hotel, in case you haven't been to the neighborhood in awhile:

Mar 26, 2009

Lisa Ward's photos from yesteryear

Thank you Lisa! Now we've got both the Donaldson group as well as Harelson.
Click on photos to open larger images.

I think I see Caroline Garcia, Alma Trujillo, Nora Lane!

Heather Jones, Robert Sarver, Lisa Ward in front; Steve Burk up top! Robert Coates and Vince Saroni, Amy Jager, is that Chris Tober?

omg, Phil Gruensfelder!

Back row: Ray Young,..., Mark Wilson..., Ronald..., Robert Coates, ... Bob Brown, ...
Middle: Alice, Deidre, Lisa, Cyndi Hopp, Nora Lane, Terry Scott, Gina Gambino, Pam McClutchy, ...Arnold Rascon...
Front: Susie Woods, Lisa Ward, Jenny Swihart, Charlene Martin, Patty Kingery, Michelle Weaver.
Sitting on floor: Henry Fox (not sure of the others)

Back row - Robert Coates in between Julie and Janet Procaccino, Lisa Ward...
Kurt Weber in the front row.

is that young Edward Winter?

Mar 25, 2009

Gina's photos from yesteryear

CDO Baseball State Champs 1979 !!!

how good is my memory? PHOTO ABOVE: Harelson Elementary, Mrs. Davis, 2nd grade:
top left, Deirdra Phillips, Deidre Hicks, Michelle Weaver, Amy Jager, Eddie Feemster, Peggy Bort, ?, Lee Boring, Middle row: Mary Hochuli, Charlene Martin, Phillip Sebring, Bobbie Mader, Steve Jordan, David Brown, Mark Shipione, ?, first row: Janet Zaharia, Donald Weaver, Gina Gambino, Lori ?, ?, Brian ?, ?, Paul Craig. floor in front from left: Ray Young, ?, Ronald ?, David Warren. whew.

Thanks to Alan, Bruce, and Robert for the IDs - Mr. Nicholson 6th grade, Harelson:
Back row Linda Sanders, Vince Saroni,Chris Snyder, Robert Coates,Chris Tober,Jack Fulton,Kurt Weber,Mark Shipione,Tim Courtright,Gina Gambino,Roberta Mader, ?, Middle row Richard McClincy,Regina Thomas,Lori Sullivan, Amy Jager,Steve Padilla,Phil Latham,David Warren,Bruce Pavlick,Sally Case,Barbara Katzman,Susan Wikert,Kevin Massaglia. Front row Scott Thomas,?, Henry Fox,Robert Sarver,Alan Cummings,Mark Misener,Mary Salmon,Ray Young,Bob Bidell.