more photos came in:
Ross Lamberson, Bart King, Rick Mathes
Cyndi Hopp Samples and John Lewis
The Bowie Sisters!
Caroline and Cami
Hank, Billy, Keith
Harelson Elementary schoolers: Lisa Ward, Joni Rhude Incrocci, Keith Roether, David Brown, Regina Thomas Wolff, Kurt Weber, Larry Price, Ross Lamberson, Hank Winter; (front row): Phillip Sebring, Gina Gambino Genova, Rick Mathes, Scott Thomas
Friday reception group: Marilyn Bowie, Kim Vito, Kathy Martin, Bill Ledbetter, Tyler Swenson, Jerry Blackmore, Sandy Quaranta, Julie Procaccino, Cyndi Hopp, Jeff Clancy, Paula Dunn, Ernestine Valencia, Greg Wyman. Front: Kathy Okon, Regina Thomas, Sharon Podolski, Billy Netherton, Kiki Leonard.
Phil Sebring, Scott Humphreys, Dave Brown
Scott Thomas, Jeff Clancy, John Lewis
Ernestina Valencia Molina, Alma Trujillo Sugden, Cami Smith Reinhardt

Kurt Weber, Milton Lewin, Tracy Cowle
Jim Groat, Larry Price, Kim Vito McClellan, Jerry Blackmore

Slide show: Criag Fisher
Bill Ledbetter, Keith Roether, and guests
Sona, Vera and Wayne Hazard

Bart King with Sam
Judy, Billy Netherton, Danielle LeCompte (!), and Jeff LeCompte
Friday reception
Roland and Ernestine (Valencia) Molina
Slide show: Lourie Zipf
Just getting it started: Joni Rhude, Ed Weaver, Becky Calkins, Alan Cummings, Keith Roether, Milton Lewin, Tracy Cowle, Larry Price, Jim Groat, Gina Gambino, Rick Mathes, Peggy Albee, Karen Linn, Chris Tober, in back: John Quinnan, Damon Millar, Hank Winter, Scott Humphreys, Kim Perry
Memorabilia tables - CDO, Cross, Harelson, Donaldson
Joni and Gina, pals since 5th grade!

Dawn and Dave Brown, Cathy Okon
Phillip Sebring, Scott Humphreys, Alma Trujillo Sugden
Paula, Sandy, Cami
Wayne Hazard